Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Men vs. Women

First of all, I wanted to comment about how much I liked the group's (I can't remember which number they were) portrayal of the differences between men and women. I was really funny. At the same time, it was also fairly accurate. Not that all guy's think like the guy in their skit, or that all girl's act like the girl in their skit (I must admit that I don't know if all or any girl's act like that or not,) but it did a pretty good representation of the innate psychological differences.

There is a movie that I have seen a few times that I think also does a pretty good job of showing the differences with people's thoughts (not simply limited to men and women, but expanded to include different types of men or people of the same sex but with differing sexual orientation.) It is called Rules of Attraction, based on a novel by Brett Easton Ellis. Being an English Literature major, I probably should have read the book instead of watch the movie, but I haven't, and the movie seems to do a pretty good job anyway. Anyway, there is a scene from the movie that the skit by that group the other day reminded me of. One of the character's (homosexual male named Paul) asks another character (macho male named Sean) for a ride to the bust station. Paul has fallen in love with Sean and as the bus is driving away, he thinks to himself that he is making a mistake and that he loves Sean. The movie interjects to Sean's thoughts, and he is simply thinking about getting laid, stoned, and finally, that he is hungry.

There are many other character's which the viewer is given a sort of interiority with and all of them definitely give the audience the idea of natural difference in the thought process between people. The movie also gives pretty good insight into the culture of college students as well (although I have never experienced and have never really even heard of some of the crazy parties they go to in the movie.)

I'm getting off the subject a little, but I just wanted to finish my thoughts about the movie with one last piece of insight. The movie starts in the middle of a sentence (a character's thoughts) and ends in the middle of a sentence (a different character's thoughts,) which I believe suggests that everyone who goes through the college experience has his or her own stories, and that this is merely one of them, probably similar to some of our own. It's a statement that these stories began and have existed before the timeline of the movie and will continue after the timeline of the movie. All we can do is interject for a segment, witness or be a part of these stories, and continue on with our existence.

Anyway, watch it for it's insight into thought and for the idea that it is simply a glimpse into the life of some college kids (it could be anyone.) Or else don't watch it, it doesn't make much of a difference to me ;)

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